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EJB Video Series
First Section
Explain about EJB? (5:47)
How to get started with EJB's? (19:21)
What are the various types of EJB? (3:29)
What are the benefits of using EJB? (4:00)
What are Application Server? (3:00)
How EJB are deployed with respect to EJB jar or an EAR? (3:32)
What is Stateful session bean? (16:54)
What are Entity beans & relation between entity beans and databases? (2:39)
What do you mean by BMP(Bean Managed Persistance)? (18:29)
What do you mean by CMP(Container Managed Persistance)? (9:14)
Explain EJB queries in Java? (6:18)
What are MDB(Message Driven Beans)? (8:00)
Explain Life cycle of the Stateless session bean? (1:50)
Explain Life cycle of Entity bean? (1:00)
Explain Life cycle of MDB(Message Driven Bean)? (0:59)
What do you mean by BMP(Bean Managed Persistance)?
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