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Azure Basic to Advanced Training Recordings
Azure Step by Step Training Recordings (Basic to Advanced)
Day 1 :- Introduction to Cloud, Open Azure Account and Create first Azure Virtual Machine -16-03-2024. (63:12)
Day 2 :- Demo on Availability Set, Explain Private , Public and Hybrid cloud, Two Factor Authentication in VM -17-03-2024. (59:43)
Day 3 :- Understand different App Service plans and demo on Slots and Swapping-23-03-2024. (61:04)
Day 4 :- Scale out Setting & Auto scale Setting in Azure App Service -24-03-2024. (43:32)
Day 5 :- Understand Instrumentation, Telemetry, Profiling, Debugging, Tracking & Monitoring -30-03-2024. (53:53)
Day 6 :- Cost of Application insight, Open Telemetry Implementation & Track class -31-03-2024. (59:13)
Day 7 :- Logging Corelated Telemetry & Revision -06-04-2024. (59:06)
Day 8 :- How to Open Telemetry and demo Logging using Application Insight Step by Step -07-04-2024. (56:13)
Day 9 :- Understanding Serverless, Create Function Apps, explain Launch Type Single(LTS), Share Type Single(STS), Difference between Resources and Environment -20-04-2024. (57:17)
Day 10 :- Triggering Function Apps using Azure Storage Blobs -21-04-2024. (53:19)
Day 11:- Define Durable Function Apps, Demo of Statefulness, Fan and Fan out, Trigger using Event hub and SQL Serve -27-04-2024. (47:30)
Day 12 :- Demo of Timeout and Handling Error in Durable Function Apps -28-04-2024. (27:54)
Day 13 :- Basics of Logic Apps, Create Logic Apps and understand Azure SQL Server -04-05-2024. (62:06)
Day 14 :- Connect Azure Function Apps to SQL Server -05-05-2024. (47:18)
Day 15 :- Demo on Azure Queues and Blobs (Azure Storages) -18-05-2024. (44:16)
Day 16 :- Hot, Cold, Cool and Archive Tiers, Fundamentals and Practical of Azure Tables -19-05-2024. (50:55)
Day 17 :- Files Storage, OAuth, OpenID, OpenIdConnect Protocols, AD Security, Oauth Implicit Flow with ASP.NET MVC, Types of Flows -25-05-2024. (55:56)
Day 18 :- Difference Between Authorization Flow and Implicit Flow -26-05-2024. (53:33)
Day 19:- Hybrid Flow and Client Credentials Flow in Azure Active Directory -01-06-2024. (47:30)
Day 20 :- AZ 204 Certification Questions -02-06-2024. (54:01)
Day 21 :- Azure Training Revision -08-06-2024. (46:32)
Day 22 :- Azure Test Questions and Discussion -09-06-2024. (27:33)
Day 23 :- Fundamentals of Machine Learning -15-06-2024. (61:21)
Day 24 :- Querying the Azure Model -16-06-2024. (61:59)
Day 25 :- Basics of Azure ML and AI, Classification Algorithms -29-06-2024. (41:13)
Day 26 :- Machine Learning Computer Vision and NLP -30-06-2024. (50:45)
Day 27 :- Basics of Azure ML Prompt Flow -06-07-2024. (46:04)
Day 28 :- Azure OpenAI and GPT Training -07-07-2024. (71:08)
Day 29 :- Basics of Azure DevOps, Azure Pipeline, Basics of YAML, Create Agents -13-07-2024. (64:40)
Day 30 :- Demo on how to Create a Build of simple ASP.NET Core using Azure DevOps -14-07-2024. (63:02)
Day 31 :- Basic Pipeline and Built a sample MVC Project - Azure DevOps -20-07-2024. (62:40)
Day 32 :- Variables and Parameters in Azure DevOps -21-07-2024. (57:59)
Day 33:- Parallel Processing using Azure DevOps & Full stack project with front end Angular and back end MVC - 27-07-2024 (55:47)
Day 34:- Parallel Processing Demo using Azure DevOps - 28-01-2024 (45:47)
Day 35:- Explained what is Docker, Install Docker, Create & host MVC app inside Docker, understand DockerFile , DockerIgnore files, command Docker build and Docker Run -17-08-2024. (62:28)
Day 36 :- How to write Docker a Dockerfile from basic -18-08-2024. (46:07)
Day 37:- Parallelism in Docker Files, Pushing the Docker Images to ACR, Making live docker in to AKS. 24-08-2024 (35:31)
Day 38:- Understanding K8 and Architecture of K8.( Nodes and Pods), Basic Demo of K8 by using Minikube-31-08-2024 (53:28)
Day 39:- Concepts around Kubernetes like Nodes, Pods, KubeCtl, Service, kubectl,Ingress,Deployment,API Server,Scheduler,Controller manager, etcd DB (Revision) 07-09-2024 (55:21)
Day 40:- Demo of Kubernetes on Azure Platform using AKS infrastructure - 14-09-2024 (56:04)
Day 41:- AKS issue will be addressed first, followed by a look at K8S UI tools - 15-09-2024 (33:53)
Day 42:- APIM Basics, added the Echo test API and tested it using post man.We also saw how a basic token key check is done using ocp-apim-subscription-key - 21-09-2024 (45:04)
Day 43:- Tasks which can be plugged inside front end, inbound, outbound, apply OAUTH security at APIM level - 22-09-2024 (54:22)
Day 43.1:- Resolving error issues of OAuth APIM. (14:45)
Day 44:- What is Data Factory, Simple Demo Building Pipeline, Data Flows and How to add Data Source - 28-09-2024 (48:23)
Day 45 :- Azure Data Factory Demo with some commonly know activity components - 29-09-2024 (55:32)
Day 46 :- Azure Networking Creating Azure Virtual Network, Fundamentals of IP and Subnetting, ICMP Packets, NSG Group - 19-10-2024 (45:09)
Day 47 :- Azure Networking Demo on Firewall, Load Balancer and WAF and AFD. - 20-10-2024 (46:19)
Day 48 :- Azure Load Balancers, Firewall demo, Application Gateway, Regional and Traditional Load Balancers, Web Application Firewall, Dynamic Site Acceleration and Azure CDN. - 26-10-2024 (60:14)
Day 49 :- Azure Networking Demo on Application Gateway and Configure the firewall. - 27-10-2024 (42:01)
Day 50 :- Azure Training Revision -01-02-2025. (41:28)
Day 51 :- Demo on Azure Messaging and Azure Queues -02-02-2025. (52:04)
Day 52 :- Azure Event Grid an Event Hubs -08-02-2025. (49:13)
Day 53 :- Continuation of Azure Event Grid and Event Hubs - 22-02-2025 (41:10)
Azure Assessment 1
Source Code and Syllabus
Day 52 :- Azure Event Grid an Event Hubs -08-02-2025.
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