Azure Basic to Advanced Training Recordings
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Renowned Trainer and Author MR SHIVPRASAD KOIRALA and QuestPond make a team of top MVP recognized professionals in the Microsoft domain. Since 2001, we have trained many professionals in technologies like Angular, MSBI, Power BI, Data Science, Python ML, AI OOP, ASP.NET, SQL Server, WCF, WPF, Azure, Architecture and Project Management. QuestPond is famous for online training's, recorded videos and best-selling books.
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Course Curriculum
Azure Step by Step Training Recordings (Basic to Advanced)
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PreviewDay 1 :- Introduction to Cloud, Open Azure Account and Create first Azure Virtual Machine -16-03-2024. (63:12)
StartDay 2 :- Demo on Availability Set, Explain Private , Public and Hybrid cloud, Two Factor Authentication in VM -17-03-2024. (59:43)
StartDay 3 :- Understand different App Service plans and demo on Slots and Swapping-23-03-2024. (61:04)
StartDay 4 :- Scale out Setting & Auto scale Setting in Azure App Service -24-03-2024. (43:32)
StartDay 5 :- Understand Instrumentation, Telemetry, Profiling, Debugging, Tracking & Monitoring -30-03-2024. (53:53)
StartDay 6 :- Cost of Application insight, Open Telemetry Implementation & Track class -31-03-2024. (59:13)
StartDay 7 :- Logging Corelated Telemetry & Revision -06-04-2024. (59:06)
StartDay 8 :- How to Open Telemetry and demo Logging using Application Insight Step by Step -07-04-2024. (56:13)
StartDay 9 :- Understanding Serverless, Create Function Apps, explain Launch Type Single(LTS), Share Type Single(STS), Difference between Resources and Environment -20-04-2024. (57:17)
StartDay 10 :- Triggering Function Apps using Azure Storage Blobs -21-04-2024. (53:19)
StartDay 11:- Define Durable Function Apps, Demo of Statefulness, Fan and Fan out, Trigger using Event hub and SQL Serve -27-04-2024. (47:30)
StartDay 12 :- Demo of Timeout and Handling Error in Durable Function Apps -28-04-2024. (27:54)
StartDay 13 :- Basics of Logic Apps, Create Logic Apps and understand Azure SQL Server -04-05-2024. (62:06)
StartDay 14 :- Connect Azure Function Apps to SQL Server -05-05-2024. (47:18)
StartDay 15 :- Demo on Azure Queues and Blobs (Azure Storages) -18-05-2024. (44:16)
StartDay 16 :- Hot, Cold, Cool and Archive Tiers, Fundamentals and Practical of Azure Tables -19-05-2024. (50:55)
StartDay 17 :- Files Storage, OAuth, OpenID, OpenIdConnect Protocols, AD Security, Oauth Implicit Flow with ASP.NET MVC, Types of Flows -25-05-2024. (55:56)
StartDay 18 :- Difference Between Authorization Flow and Implicit Flow -26-05-2024. (53:33)
StartDay 19:- Hybrid Flow and Client Credentials Flow in Azure Active Directory -01-06-2024. (47:30)
StartDay 20 :- AZ 204 Certification Questions -02-06-2024. (54:01)
StartDay 21 :- Azure Training Revision -08-06-2024. (46:32)
StartDay 22 :- Azure Test Questions and Discussion -09-06-2024. (27:33)
StartDay 23 :- Fundamentals of Machine Learning -15-06-2024. (61:21)
StartDay 24 :- Querying the Azure Model -16-06-2024. (61:59)
StartDay 25 :- Basics of Azure ML and AI, Classification Algorithms -29-06-2024. (41:13)
StartDay 26 :- Machine Learning Computer Vision and NLP -30-06-2024. (50:45)
StartDay 27 :- Basics of Azure ML Prompt Flow -06-07-2024. (46:04)
StartDay 28 :- Azure OpenAI and GPT Training -07-07-2024. (71:08)
StartDay 29 :- Basics of Azure DevOps, Azure Pipeline, Basics of YAML, Create Agents -13-07-2024. (64:40)
StartDay 30 :- Demo on how to Create a Build of simple ASP.NET Core using Azure DevOps -14-07-2024. (63:02)
StartDay 31 :- Basic Pipeline and Built a sample MVC Project - Azure DevOps -20-07-2024. (62:40)
StartDay 32 :- Variables and Parameters in Azure DevOps -21-07-2024. (57:59)
StartDay 33:- Parallel Processing using Azure DevOps & Full stack project with front end Angular and back end MVC - 27-07-2024 (55:47)
StartDay 34:- Parallel Processing Demo using Azure DevOps - 28-01-2024 (45:47)
StartDay 35:- Explained what is Docker, Install Docker, Create & host MVC app inside Docker, understand DockerFile , DockerIgnore files, command Docker build and Docker Run -17-08-2024. (62:28)
StartDay 36 :- How to write Docker a Dockerfile from basic -18-08-2024. (46:07)
StartDay 37:- Parallelism in Docker Files, Pushing the Docker Images to ACR, Making live docker in to AKS. 24-08-2024 (35:31)
StartDay 38:- Understanding K8 and Architecture of K8.( Nodes and Pods), Basic Demo of K8 by using Minikube-31-08-2024 (53:28)
StartDay 39:- Concepts around Kubernetes like Nodes, Pods, KubeCtl, Service, kubectl,Ingress,Deployment,API Server,Scheduler,Controller manager, etcd DB (Revision) 07-09-2024 (55:21)
StartDay 40:- Demo of Kubernetes on Azure Platform using AKS infrastructure - 14-09-2024 (56:04)
StartDay 41:- AKS issue will be addressed first, followed by a look at K8S UI tools - 15-09-2024 (33:53)
StartDay 42:- APIM Basics, added the Echo test API and tested it using post man.We also saw how a basic token key check is done using ocp-apim-subscription-key - 21-09-2024 (45:04)
StartDay 43:- Tasks which can be plugged inside front end, inbound, outbound, apply OAUTH security at APIM level - 22-09-2024 (54:22)
StartDay 43.1:- Resolving error issues of OAuth APIM. (14:45)
StartDay 44:- What is Data Factory, Simple Demo Building Pipeline, Data Flows and How to add Data Source - 28-09-2024 (48:23)
StartDay 45 :- Azure Data Factory Demo with some commonly know activity components - 29-09-2024 (55:32)
StartDay 46 :- Azure Networking Creating Azure Virtual Network, Fundamentals of IP and Subnetting, ICMP Packets, NSG Group - 19-10-2024 (45:09)
StartDay 47 :- Azure Networking Demo on Firewall, Load Balancer and WAF and AFD. - 20-10-2024 (46:19)
StartDay 48 :- Azure Load Balancers, Firewall demo, Application Gateway, Regional and Traditional Load Balancers, Web Application Firewall, Dynamic Site Acceleration and Azure CDN. - 26-10-2024 (60:14)
StartDay 49 :- Azure Networking Demo on Application Gateway and Configure the firewall. - 27-10-2024 (42:01)
StartDay 50 :- Azure Training Revision -01-02-2025. (41:28)
StartDay 51 :- Demo on Azure Messaging and Azure Queues -02-02-2025. (52:04)
StartDay 52 :- Azure Event Grid an Event Hubs -08-02-2025. (49:13)
StartDay 53 :- Continuation of Azure Event Grid and Event Hubs - 22-02-2025 (41:10)
StartAzure Assessment 1
StartSource Code and Syllabus
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The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
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