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Angular with MVC Core Training Recordings
Angular with MVC Core using EF Core & SQL Server
Day 1- Angular pre-requisite Node, NPM, Closures, IIFE and Typescript(11th-July-2021). (51:55)
Day 2:- Running Angular first app using CLI, Ng serve, Ng Build, Components,MOdule,TemplateURL,Selectors, Packagelock.json,Semantic versioning, Web pack and Angular bootstrap process. (18th-July-2021). (64:35)
Day 3:- Angular with MVC Core using EF and Sql Server Training (24th-July-2021). (73:57)
Angular with MVC Core Revision Session (08th-August-2021) (56:49)
Day 4:- Validation with Angular , SPA , Bench mark Angular with React(08th-August-2021). (79:12)
Day 5:- Angular with MVC Core using EF & Sql Server (15th-August-2021). (56:32)
Day 6:- Angular with MVC Core using EF & Sql Server (22nd-August-2021). (93:42)
Day 7:- Angular with MVC Core using EF & Sql Server (25th-August-2021). (53:53)
Day 8:- Angular Integration With MVC Core (18th-Sept-2021). (51:20)
Day 9:- Angular with MVC Core using EF & Sql Server (26th-September-2021). (68:28)
Day 10:- Angular with MVC Core using EF & Sql Server (03-October-2021). (60:45)
Day 11:- TDD (Test Driven Development). (56:13)
Day 1- Angular pre-requisite Node, NPM, Closures, IIFE and Typescript(11th-July-2021).
In this session we discussed on Angular Pre-requisite covering below concepts :-
Understand Node
What is NPM?
Understand Closures
Explain IIFE
What is Typescript?
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