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Learn Design Pattern in 8 Hours
First Section
Lab 1:- Design pattern step by step with a project(Factory pattern,Lazy Pattern and RIP Pattern).(60 m (58:45)
Lab 2:- Unity, Stratergy, IOC, SRP and SOC. (30 minutes) (42:31)
Lab 3:- Template pattern and Repository pattern with ADO.NET.(60 minutes) (62:56)
Lab 4: - Adapter Pattern and Repository with EF(60 minutes) (55:22)
Lab 5: - UOW(Unit of Work)(30 minutes) (35:00)
Lab 6:- Decorator Pattern (30 Minutes) (29:07)
Lab 7 :- Iterator Pattern(25 Minutes) (25:13)
Lab 8:- Prototype and Memento Pattern(25 Minutes) (23:13)
Lab 9:- Implementing complex object creation using Factory Method(1 Hour) (51:47)
Lab 10 :- Implementing NULL design pattern and Mediator pattern. (33:28)
Explain SOLID? (43:15)
Introduction (10:42)
Factory and Abstract Factory pattern. (103:56)
Builder Pattern (8:48)
Prototype Pattern (8:08)
Singleton Pattern (4:50)
Adapter Pattern (5:11)
Bridge Pattern (12:07)
Composite Pattern (4:28)
Decorator Pattern (2:09)
Facade Pattern (5:29)
Flyweight Pattern (6:33)
Proxy Pattern (3:59)
Mediator Pattern (9:30)
Memento Pattern (3:59)
Interpreter Pattern (8:50)
Iterator Pattern (5:18)
COR Pattern (8:05)
Command Pattern (6:29)
State Pattern (4:47)
Strategy Pattern (8:13)
Observer Pattern (8:02)
Template Pattern (2:42)
Visitor Pattern (10:51)
Explain IOC(Inversion of Control)? (10:30)
Dependency Injection (41:37)
Fluent interface and method chaining (14:03)
Lazy Loading (9:39)
Explain RIP(Replace IF with Polymorphism) Pattern? (4:42)
Immutable object design pattern (8:25)
Explain Null Design Pattern and its usage. (18:10)
What is Microservices Architecture? (25:31)
Design pattern Source Code
Source Code for Java
Immutable object design pattern
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