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Learning NodeJS Step by Step
First Section
Lab 1: - Display Hello World, fetching records from db & add/update/delete product. (62:34)
Lab 2: - Creating, Config, Environment, Development and Production. (17:50)
Lab 3: - How can we create Response and also see sendResponse method. (4:54)
Lab 4: - How to do error handling, exception and create helper class in NodeJS? (18:46)
Lab 5: - Introduction to Encryption and Salt (4:31)
Lab 6:- File Upload and Implementing Encryption and Salt (22:28)
Lab 7 :- Create Customer Sign up and Login in Nodejs. (4:53)
Lab 8 :- Introduction to JWT Token. (4:50)
Lab 9 :- Implemeting JWT Token in NodeJS application. (11:55)
Lab 10 :- Using JWT Token & making call to API. (14:50)
Lab 11 :- Access Path without using API Token. (7:52)
Lab 12 :- Using JWT tokens and generate access token from refresh token. (11:02)
Lab 13 :- Serverside Validations in Nodejs. (8:51)
Lab 14 :- Debugger in NodeJS Application. (4:20)
Lab 15 :- Use logger in NodeJS. (5:23)
Lab 16 :- Deployment on Heroku Server. (12:36)
Lab 17 :- Create APIs using My SQL Database. (20:23)
Lab 18 :- Connect NodeJS application to MongoDB. (24:57)
Intro, installation and getting started NodeJS with examples. (70:45)
More learning on NodeJS features, installation and practical oriented demo using NodeJS modules/package. (82:05)
Extending NodeJS - Knowing more, exploring feature, demo example and practically look into integration part on ExpressJS framework. (67:39)
Finishing Express.js framework integration, Understanding NodeJS Architecture, setting environment to work with MySQL. (59:59)
In-depth learning using practicals on NodeJS integration with MySQL and NoSQL(MongoDB). (66:22)
Continuing and covering in-depth session on NodeJS integration with MongoDB. (71:54)
Covering in-depth session on NodeJS integration with MongoDB - Part 2. (29:13)
MERN Stack Project based Online Session conducted on 16th March 2019 - Part 1. (77:04)
MERN Stack Project based Online Session conducted on 23rd March 2019 - Part 2. (52:12)
MERN Stack Project based Online Session conducted on 04th May 2019 - Part 3. (49:25)
NodeJS Source Code
Lab 7 :- Create Customer Sign up and Login in Nodejs.
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