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MVC Core with Angular Training Recordings
First Section
Lab 1 - Angular pre-requisites, understanding ECMA & ES, MIT, GITHUB & what is TypeScript. (65:14)
Lab 2 - Compile TypeScript code & explain internals of JavaScript. (58:10)
Lab 3 - Explain Laxical scoping, Hoisting and more fundamental topics in JavaScript. (66:45)
Lab 4 - TypeScript features, Abstract Class & Interface in TypeScript. (62:33)
Lab 5 - Create a Simple UI in Angular and using ngModel for Basic Binding. (52:49)
Lab 6 - Starting with MVC Core framework. (53:57)
Lab 7 - Dependency Injection in MVC Core. (44:58)
Lab 8 - Creating MVC Core project structure. (60:15)
Lab 9 - Integrating Angular with MVC Core. (58:45)
Lab 10 - Using Angular HTTP Client Object. (63:05)
Lab 11 - Understanding CORS issues. (49:35)
Lab 12 - Creating and Integrating JWT token in MVC Core - Part 1 (54:36)
Lab 13 - Integrating JWT token in MVC Core - Part 2 (55:54)
Lab 14 - JWT Token with MVC Core integration. (56:19)
Lab 15 - Important concepts in Angular - ViewChild, ViewChildren, ConceptChild & ConceptChildren. (56:23)
Lab 16 - Lazy loading, Angular & Server Validations. (59:56)
Lab 17 - Implement Lazy Loading & Lazy Routing in Angular project. (27:46)
Lab 18 - Explain Web API? (50:40)
Lab 19 - Understand Unit testing and how it tests controllers? (65:55)
Lab 2 - Compile TypeScript code & explain internals of JavaScript.
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