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Understanding Software Architecture with real time project examples
First Section
Scenario 1: - Customer & Logger class Scenario (SRP Violation) (4:04)
Solution for Scenario 1: - Implementing SRP with factory class & interfaces (19:55)
Scenario 2: - Add new customer type scenario (OCP violation) (5:51)
Solution for Scenario 2: - Applying OCP (Open closed principle) by using inheritance (14:33)
Scenario 3: - The batch printing problem(LSP violation) (11:09)
Solution for Scenario 3: - Applying LSP (Liskov principle) using interfaces & solving the problem (13:43)
Scenario 4: - The tax calculator scenario(DI/IOC) (15:21)
Solution for Scenario 4: - Using unity application using DIIOC (28:52)
Solution for Scenario 2: - Applying OCP (Open closed principle) by using inheritance
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