<h1>Training Schedule</h1>

    Azure Basic to Advanced step by step Training at 09 PM IST

    Click for Training Invite Link

    Azure Training syllabus and schedules are given below :-

Azure Basic To Advanced Training :-

Basic Azure Concepts :-

  • Why Cloud and Pay as you go model?
  • IAAS , PAAS and SAAS
  • Private , Public and Hybrid cloud
  • Capex and Opex ,Consumption based model
  • Opening up Azure Account
  • Resource and Resource groups, Azure resource manager.
  • Creating First Azure virtual Machine and understanding all the above concepts.
  • Understanding terms High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery

Azure Advanced :-

Azure Developer Track
  • Azure App Service.
  • Function Apps
  • Logic Apps
  • Web jobs
  • OpenId, OpenId connect
  • OAuth , OAuth 2.0
  • Integrating security with Web application.
  • Azure SQL Server
  • DTU , EDTU Calculation
  • Blobs, Queues , tables and Files (Tied up with Azure).
Azure Web APP
  • Create an Azure table
  • C# Insert update, Query and delete
  • 10 best practices.
  • To the point queries , Partion key , row key
  • Duplicate is ok
  • Compund keys
  • Hot partitions
  • EGT Avoid new Azure tables
  • Delete pattern
  • Large entities
  • Intra partition
  • Concurrency ETag why did not work.
  • Azure Blobs
  • Types of blobs
  • Append, Page blob and Block blobs
  • Simple blob upload
  • Uploading block blob in chunks
  • Append blob
  • Page blob
  • Log reading
  • Blob – Function App
  • Visual logic app
  • Complicated one
  • https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/40647
  • Creating Azure Queues
  • Send message . Receive message
  • Peeking Messages
  • Dequeue
  • Demo by using C# files
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • What is APIM ?
  • Importing an API Service
  • Understanding the inbound, output bound and backend
  • Talk about products
  • Applying input policies.
  • Seeing some demos of output policies
  • Restrict IP Address
  • Limit rate calls
  • Removed asp headers
  • Versioning is for the end users
  • Revision is for code
  • APIM Security with Oauth
  • Revision and Versioning of APIM
  • Security in Azure APIM Oauth and openId
  • Error handling
  • Azure Queues, Events and Service Bus
Logging and Telemetry
  • Logging and Telemetry
  • Monitoring

Azure Infrastructure ( Covering Docker and Kubernetes) :-

Azure Networking
  • IP, Subnet
  • Create a simple Vnet
  • Understanding NSG
  • Uploading block blob in chunks
  • Pinging
Fire walls and Load Balancers
  • Demo of Azure front door service
  • Azure CDN and Front door services
  • WAF (Web Application firewall)
  • Traffic Manager
  • Power Shell
  • ARM Templates
  • Azure Automate
Docker and Kubernetes
  • Docker is a software which implements container
  • Docker , enable docker for windows
  • DockerFile , DockerIgnore
  • Docker build
  • Docker Run
  • Hosting on ACR
  • Understanding K8 Architecture.
  • AKS

Azure DevOps :-

  • What is DevOps ?
  • CI CD CU
  • Azure Pipleline
  • YAML
  • Checked in , Build start , Release , updated in to Azure APP Service
  • Unit testing inside the pipe line
  • Basic YAML from Azure pipeline
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Puppet

Azure Machine Learning, AI:-

Azure Data Factory
  • What is Data factory?
  • Building pipelines, Data flows
  • Data Transformation and Orchestration.
Azure AI ML
  • Understanding Azure learning work space.
  • Train, optimize, manage and consume models.
  • Azure cognitive services and machine learning designer.
Big Data
  • Data lakes
  • Data bricks
  • Apache Spark , HD insight
27-07-2024 Saturday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
28-07-2024 Sunday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
03-08-2024 Saturday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
04-08-2024 Sunday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
10-08-2024 Saturday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
11-08-2024 Sunday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
17-08-2024 Saturday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
18-08-2024 Sunday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
24-08-2024 Saturday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm
25-08-2024 Sunday Shivprasad Koirala Azure Basic to Advanced MS Teams 5 Years Subscribers 09 pm to 10 pm