All JAVA Courses
About QuestPond: It started 15 years back with the one single goal of creating quality step-by-step IT programming-related lessons.
We saw many lessons online, either they are done too fast or too slow or are too complicated.
The main goal of QuestPond is to create Step by Step lessons on C#, ASP.NET, Design patterns, SQL, and so on. As years moved on I added other step-by-step lessons like Angular, SharePoint, MSBI, Azure and so on.
Learn JAVA Step by Step (NEW Course Addition)
- Lab 1: - Introduction and Getting started with Java
- Lab 2: - Writing program using Intellisense IDE
- Lab 3: - Writing program using Eclipse IDE
- Lab 4: - Object Oriented Programming(OOP) in Java
- Lab 5: - Static variables and Static functions in Java
- Lab 6: - Constructors in Java
- Lab 7: - Packages in Java
- Lab 8: - Inheritance in Java
- Lab 9: - Array in Java
- Lab 10: - Java Collection
- Lab 11: - List - ArrayList, Vector and LinkList
- Lab 12: - Java Object Equality
- Lab 13: - MAP
- Lab 14: Apache Maven
- Lab 15: Ordering objects in collection
- Lab 16: Set
- Lab 17: Java Input and Output
- Lab 18: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Introduction to Java 8
Practical Java Interview Questions and Answer series (NEW Course Addition)
- Lab 1: Snake and Ladder
- Lab 2: Telephone Directory
- Lab 3: Connection Pool
- Lab 4: Arranging Number
Learn AngularJS 1.5 & 2.0 in 8 Hours
- Lab 1:- $scope, $rootscope, controller, models, expression & debugging.
- Lab 2 :- Digest Cycle, watchers, One time, $watch and $apply.
- Lab 3 :- Services and Factory
- Lab 4 :- Using $http service with WebAPI as back end.
- Lab 5 :- Custom Directives, Restrict and Isolation Scope.
- Lab 6:- Deferred and Promises.
- Lab 7 :- Angular Unit Testing using Jasmine.
- Lab 8 :- Implementing SPA using Angular Route and Angular UI Router.
- Lab 9 :- Emit, BroadCast and On Events.
- Lab 10 :- Filters in Angular.
- Lab 11 :- JQuery with AngularJS.
- Lab 12 :- Dot Rule and Controller AS Keyword.
- Lab 13:- Angular Provider (Constant, Values, Provider, Service and Decorator).
- (Angular 2.0) Lab 1: - Modules,Components, ng-model & expressions (1 hr)
- (Angular 2.0)How to open Angular 2 Source code
- (Angular 2.0)Lab 2 :- 1-way/2-way binding, interpolations, template binding, event binding & cloning.
- (Angular 2.0)Lab 3 :- @Input, @Output & Eventemitters.
- (Angular 2.0)Lab 4 :- Angular Component Life Cycle.
- (Angular 2.0)Lab 5 :- Providers, Services and Dependency Injection.
- (Angular2.0)Lab 6:- SPA(Single Page Application) using Routing.
- (Angular2.0)Lab 7:- Validation using Angular forms.
- AngularJS Book
jQuery, JSON & Javascript Frameworks Q/A series
- JavaScript Training for C# developers - Part 1
- JavaScript Training for C# developer Part 2 ( OOP in JavaScript).
- Lab 1: - Explain Jquery with a simple example?
- Lab 2: - Explain CDN Fallback?
- Lab 3: - Explain Document.Ready in jQuery?
- Lab 4: - What are the 7 important ways of doing selection in jQuery?
- Lab 5:- Explain JSON ?
- Lab 6: - How to emit JSON using MVC ?
- Lab 7: - Explain Angular JS with an example ( Angular)?
- Lab 8: - How to implement MVW architecture using Angular(Angular)?
- Lab 9: - Explain 2-way bindings and $scope(Angular)?
- Lab 10: - Explain $http service and CORS in Angular(Angular)?
- Lab 11 :- What is Less.JS ( Less) ?
- Lab 12 :- Explain Mixin in LESS ( Less) ?
- Lab 13: - Explain unobtrusive javascript?
- Introduction to UML
- Use Case Diagrams
- Class Diagrams
- Object Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Collaboration Diagrams
- Activity Diagram
- State chart Diagrams
- Component Diagrams
- Deployment Diagrams
- Stereo Types Diagrams
- Package Diagram
- UML Project Flow
- Practice with Tool
OOP's Q & A Video series
- Download Interview assesment
- What is the problem with Functional Programming?
- Can you define OOP and the 4 principles of OOP?
- What are Classes and Objects?
- What is Inheritance?
- What is Polymorphism, overloading, overriding and virtual?
- Can you explain encapsulation and abstraction?
- What is an abstract class?
- Define Interface & What is the diff. between abstract & interface?
- Define Interface & Diff. between abstract & interface? - Part 2
- What is the use of Shadowing in C#?
- Can we implement interfaces with same method names in C#?
- What is the use of Static Keyword?
- What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
- What are partial classes & partial methods?
- Can we see implementation of Association, Aggregation & Composition in real world?
- What is operator overloading?
- Explain Access modifiers (Private, Public, Protected, Internal & Protected/Internal)?
Function Points
- Introduction
- Application Boundary
- EI Fundamentals
- EO Fundamentals
- EQ Fundamentals
- EIF Fundamentals
- ILF Fundamentals
- GSC Fundamentals
- Productivity Factor
- Costing
- Function point Template
- Estimating a sample project
- Function point Estimation Excel
- Customer maintenance
Learn Design Pattern in 8 Hours
- Lab 1:- Design pattern step by step with a project(Factory pattern,Lazy Pattern and RIP Pattern).
- Lab 2:- Unity, Stratergy, IOC, SRP and SOC.
- Lab 3:- Template pattern and Repository pattern with ADO.NET.
- Lab 4: - Adapter Pattern and Repository with EF
- Lab 5: - UOW(Unit of Work)
- Lab 6:- Decorator Pattern
- Lab 7 :- Iterator Pattern
- Lab 8:- Prototype and Memento Pattern
- Lab 9:- Implementing complex object creation using Factory Method
- Lab 10 :- Implementing NULL design pattern and Mediator pattern.
- Explain SOLID?
- Introduction
- Factory pattern
- Abstract Factory Pattern
- Builder Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
- Singleton Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Bridge Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- Facade Pattetrn
- Flyweight Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Memento Pattern
- Interpreter Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- COR Pattern
- Command Pattren
- State Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
- Observer Pattern
- Template Pattern
- Visitor Pattern
- Explain IOC(Inversion of Control)?
- Dependency Injection
- Fluent interface and method chaining
- Lazy Loading
- Explain RIP(Replace IF with Polymorphism) Pattern?
- Immutable object design pattern
- Explain Null Design Pattern and its usage.
- Design pattern Source Code
- Source Code for Java
1st set of the videos - Core Java Q & A series
- Give a brief introduction and explain classes in Java?
- Why variables are required in Java programming language?
- What are Constructors in Java?
- Explain instance variable its creation, assigning values with the help of example?
- What are Class level variables or Static variables?
- What are Functions in Java?
- Explain concept and implementation of inheritance in Java?
- What is Abstract class? Explain its concept & practical use in Java?
- Explain Interfaces in Java?
- What is the difference between Abstract class and Interface?
- What are Final classes? Explain it features and give scenarios where it will be used?
- What are virtual or Override Functions in Java?
- How Access Specifier in base class affects overridden function in derived class?
- What purposes does Java IO serve?
- What are Buffered Streams and how does it works?
- Explain various File Operations present in Java?
- Explain purpose and methods provided by PrinterWriter and LineNumberReader of Java IO classes?
- Explain purpose of PushbackInputStream and PushbackReader classes? And also show methods provided by them?
- How to perform Serialization & Deserialization of an object in Java?
2nd set of the videos - Master Java collections series
- What are Java Collection API and what does it consist of?
- Explain in detail what is collection interface in Java API?
- What is List Interface in Java Collection?
- Explain Set Interface and its benefits provided in Java?
- What is Map within Java?
- How will HashMap work in case key is an user defined object?
- Explain HashCode Collision with respect to HashMap?
- LRU Cache Implementation using collection
- Explain Weak HashMap in Java Collection API?
- Show us how Sorting can be done in Collection?
- What are Fail Fast Iterator and show its implementation and advantages in Java?
- What is ConcurrentHashMap in Java Collection?
Do Visit to enroll Java Subscription :-
Courses Included with Purchase
Learn Design Pattern in 8 Hours
Learn UML
J2EE Design Patterns
Servlets Videos
ApacheCXF Q & A Series
Spring Videos
Java Design Patterns
Struts2 Video Series
Web Service Video Series
GWT Q & A Series
Master Java Collections
EJB Video Series
Java Server Faces(JSF) Videos
Hibernate Videos
Core Java Q & A Videos
General Java Concept Series
Practical Java Interview Questions and Answer series
JAVA Step by Step Videos